Wheel of Fortune tarot card

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is a powerful symbol of the cycle of life, fate, and the constant ebb and flow of experience. This card is represented by a large wheel, often adorned with various symbols, indicating that change is an inherent part of existence. In numerological terms, the Wheel of Fortune is associated with the number 10, which reduces to 1, embodying new beginnings and the culmination of cycles. Astrologically, it is connected to Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, and abundance. This affirms the idea that fortune is not just a matter of chance but can be influenced by one's actions, mindset, and the larger cosmic forces at play. The card serves as a reminder that life is rich with unexpected shifts and opportunities, urging us to embrace change as a vital part of our journey.

Direct reading

When drawn in its upright position, the Wheel of Fortune signifies positive transformation and an upward turn in fortune. In love, this card indicates a flourishing relationship or the redirection of fate that brings two people together, suggesting the potential for deep connection and compatibility. In the realm of career, the Wheel of Fortune indicates a turning point, where new opportunities may arise, or favorable circumstances might propel you toward a desired path. Financially, this card denotes a period of prosperity, where unexpected gains or investments yield positive returns, suggesting that the winds of fortune are in your favor. The timeframe associated with the Wheel of Fortune is often seen as immediate to short-term, implying that changes could manifest quickly.

Reversed reading

Conversely, when the Wheel of Fortune appears in the reversed position, it can signal misfortune, setbacks, or a feeling of being stuck amidst the cycles of life. In love, this may represent tumultuous relationships, lack of progress, or feeling at the mercy of fate, urging reflection and reevaluation of one’s emotional investments. Regarding career, the reversed position can indicate delays, missed opportunities, or a sense of stagnation, suggesting the need for perseverance and a strategic reevaluation of one’s goals. Financially, this card in reverse often points to financial difficulties, unforeseen expenses, or poor investments, serving as a caution to tread carefully and reassess one’s financial strategies. In all areas, the reversed Wheel of Fortune warns against complacency and emphasizes the importance of taking proactive steps to change one’s destiny.
