The Chariot tarot card

The Chariot

The Chariot, the seventh card of the Major Arcana, encapsulates the essence of determination, control, and victory through adversity. Depicted typically as a warrior in a chariot, often pulled by two sphinxes or horses of contrasting colors, it symbolizes the dual forces of will and emotion, suggesting the need for balance in the pursuit of goals. The numerological value of seven is significant, often associated with introspection, spiritual attainment, and wisdom. Astrologically, The Chariot is linked to the sign of Cancer, which governs emotions and intuition, reflecting the internal conflict one might face when navigating their ambitions. This card invites readers to harness their inner strength, directing their focus and energy towards achieving their desired outcomes, with an emphasis on the importance of willpower in overcoming obstacles.

Direct reading

When drawn upright, The Chariot signifies triumph and a sense of direction. In love readings, it often represents a relationship built on mutual respect and shared ambitions, encouraging partners to support each other in their endeavors. For careers, this card heralds a time of success and advancement, suggesting the querent is in the driver's seat of their professional journey, capable of steering their own course towards achievement. Financially, The Chariot indicates control over one's resources, suggesting that disciplined planning and focused strategies will lead to prosperity. This card reflects a significant timeframe of forward momentum, where taking decisive action can lead to rewarding outcomes, underscoring the potential for breakthroughs in various aspects of life.

Reversed reading

Conversely, when The Chariot appears reversed, its meaning can shift drastically, revealing feelings of uncertainty, lack of direction, or a struggle with control. In matters of love, this reversal might indicate conflicts or an imbalance within a relationship, possible indecision, or a need for greater communication between partners. In a career context, it can suggest obstacles that hinder progress, perhaps a feeling of being overwhelmed by choices or external pressures. Financially, The Chariot reversed may reflect chaotic spending habits or a lack of budgeting, urging caution and a re-evaluation of one’s financial strategies. The timeframe during which the effects of this reversed card manifest can vary, but it often signifies a period of reflection and realignment before one can regain the sense of steering their own path effectively.
