Strength tarot card


The Strength tarot card, typically numbered as VIII (or XI in some decks), embodies the essence of inner power, courage, and compassion. It features a serene figure, often depicted as a woman, gently taming a lion, symbolizing the delicate balance between raw power and gentle persuasion. This card is heavily influenced by the astrological sign of Leo, which signifies passion, vitality, and creativity. The alchemical nature of this card highlights the importance of harnessing one’s inner strength and tapping into the heart’s energy to face challenges. Numerologically, the number 8 resonates with themes of balance, stability, and infinite possibilities, emphasizing the cyclical nature of strength and resilience. When this card appears in a reading, it signifies a time of personal growth and the embracing of one's authentic self, urging the querent to recognize the power that lies within them.

Direct reading

When drawn in an upright position, the Strength card reinforces themes of confidence, courage, and patience. In love, it signifies a harmonious relationship built on mutual respect and understanding, encouraging partners to communicate openly and supportively. For those in their careers, this card denotes the ability to overcome obstacles and challenges with resilience and tenacity. It suggests that success will come through a combination of determination and compassion, inspiring teamwork and collaborative efforts. In the realm of finance, the Strength card recommends a balanced approach to money, emphasizing the need to make choices grounded in both wisdom and emotional intelligence. This card indicates that now is the time to address any fears or insecurities regarding financial matters, transforming them into a source of empowerment as you navigate toward prosperity.

Reversed reading

In contrast, when the Strength card appears reversed, it signifies potential challenges related to self-doubt, fear, and a lack of confidence. In love readings, it might indicate struggles within a relationship, marked by feelings of inadequacy or emotional turmoil, suggesting that partners may need to communicate their feelings and fears to mend any rifts. In a career context, the reversed Strength card often points to self-sabotage or the inability to assert oneself effectively. It serves as a reminder to confront any underlying fears and take charge of one’s professional path, rather than allowing fear to dictate decisions. Lastly, in financial matters, it may reflect issues such as reckless spending or hesitancy in making important financial decisions, signaling a need to regain control and evaluate money management strategies. Ultimately, both upright and reversed meanings of the Strength card invite reflection on personal power, urging the querent to either embrace their resilience or confront the barriers that prevent them from doing so.
